MDP Support Internet Safety Poster Competition

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MDP Support Internet Safety Poster Competition

Ministry of Defence Police recently worked in partnership with The Rotary Club of Lomond, Argyll & Bute Education Department and Police Scotland to provide training on keeping pupils safe online.

Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) recently partnered with The Rotary Club of Lomond, Argyll & Bute Education Department and Police Scotland to provide training for pupils on keeping safe online.

Internet Safety Training for the youngest generations is essential to keeping them safe whilst using the internet.

As a result of the COVID the pandemic, the internet has become a vital solution for schools to keep in touch with their pupils and deliver lessons online. Pupils quickly adapted and became proficient in its various aspects., which has subsequently caused them to be reliant on their mobile phones, tablets and laptops with internet being a valuable resource for sourcing information for their education.

Whilst we are all aware of the benefits of the internet, educating pupils on its dangers is vital. Through delivering essential training, pupils are reminded that help is available when they encounter problems online.

MDP officers based at HMNB Clyde, collaborated with partners and supported an Internet Safety Poster competition. Now in its 7th year, the competition continues to amaze with the high standards of entries. The poster competition is described as an excellent way for pupils to design an Internet Safety poster which inform parents, siblings, and the community about staying safe online.

MDP officer giving a speech in front of attendees at the Internet Safety Poster competition.

All completed posters were collected from the school by MDP PC Omand.  Over 500 pupils participated, and the success of the talented individuals was celebrated at a Civic Reception and Presentation of Prizes.  The three prize winners receiving vouchers, a framed copy of their winning poster and a certificate.

This is a fantastic initiative which gives children involved life skills to explore fantastic resources of the internet while remaining safe. It is important for all parents and children to create a safe space where kids can interact with each other without fear of bullying or receiving unwanted attention from strangers.

By helping children understand and recognise any of these behaviours and providing them with a framework to report and get help with these issues, we are supporting their development and instilling responsibilities which they will take through to adulthood.

In the Ministry of Defence Police, service personnel get similar support for their own social media footprint to create awareness on the dangers of oversharing personal information, this initiative passes that information onto their children, too.

Working alongside Police Scotland and the Rotary Club of Lomond for the 7th year has shown how effective this initiative is, and we aim to continue internet safety awareness for years to come.

MDP Inspector Kennedy

A special mention and thank you to MDP PC Omand and Police Scotland PC Gallacher and for working in partnership with Lomond Rotary to deliver the Internet Safety Training to the pupils and continuing the fantastic community support and engagement.